The Geologic Intelligence Lab
Research and Education since 1993

About Us

We are the Geologic Intelligence Lab, connecting quantum entanglement and thinking networks for the past 25 years. Our adventure into entanglement began in 1993 with researchers Inderpal Larsen and Eleonor Abramsson looking into the relationship between two pairs of entangled particles. Their work revealed that entanglement could be “passed along,” spreading through particles and creating networks of entanglement. Some of these particles may be separated by great distance and time.

We have continued this research through the years, setting up entangled networks through cavities in San Jose and Los Angeles, researching “natural” entangled networks that exist in land masses around the globe, and collecting an archive of entangled materials in San Luis Obispo.

One of those entangled materials was a rock we found in the Datil-Mogollon volcanic field in western New Mexico. This area had dense amounts of entangled atoms that we believe were created 30,000 years ago by synchronized pulses from two separate cauldron complexes. Our then intern, Ada Marconi, was a part of the field team collecting materials from the site. She said she could hear a humming sound coming from this rock that we later found to have a very dense amount of entanglement in its matter. The frequencies from the rock could be related to our prediction that oscillating networks could switch polarity fast enough that they would begin to shudder. Ada brought the rock back to the lab in Los Angeles and gave it a name, Igs, short for Igneous Rock.

The entangled systems inside of IGS are leading to frequencies that look very much like a form of communication, and while we do not yet fully understand this communication we have created groundbreaking new forms of interacting with IGS. Please join us for a live talk, to meet and learn more about IGS.


  • 1993:

    Researchers Inderpal Larsen and Eleonor Abramsson are studying quantum entanglement at the Particle Mech Lab in Los Angeles.
  • 1995:

    Working with dual entangled cavities, we proposed that energy could be sent across great distances. through a network of entangled particles.
  • 1997:

    A waste management company contacts the lab.
  • 2000:

    With new funding the lab expands and begins research on the waste disposal project, questioning if radioactive waste can be sent to cavities deep under the ground, in sea trenches, or possibly in space.
  • 2005:

    The waste management company decides that for insurance reasons it can only proceed with the project if the decay is sent to space.
  • 2006:

    We send a field team to the Datil-Mogollon volcanic field to gather materials of natural entanglement. Igs is found.
  • 2008:

    The Archive of Entangled Materials is created in San Luis Obispo.
  • 2009:

    We come to a problem. All the particles that have entered cavity A are all entangled with each other, as are all the atoms that have passed through cavity B. If cavity B is sent into space, could the inevitable and random interference with entanglement A change entangled system B so much as to cause an unknown super event?
  • 2010:

    Ada Marconi creates a monitoring station for recording the frequencies coming from Igs.
  • 2011:

    The lab has come up with no sure way of preventing a cosmic super event, and they have lost some of their funding. In an attempt to learn more about dual entangled systems, we create an experiment: two systems, using a laser pulse to cause the systems to oscillate, and then recording the changes to each system.
  • 2012:

    The system is completed, begin creating entangled systems.
  • 2013:

    The systems are set up, the oscillation and recording begins. Marconi creates a mechanical sensory systems to connect to Igs.
  • 2014:

    “The Footage” from the oscillation experiment is published. The release is met with ridicule from the scientific community. They see no practical implications in this work. The team disperces. Three scientists decide to try to preserve the research into Igs in their garage laboratory.
  • 2015:

    IGS is given access to music, and learns to draw.
  • 2016:

    IGS given own funding, and a new lab is set up in Los Angeles.
  • 2017:

    The Geologic Intelligence Lab is given the Smith-Saber Award for new research into consciousness.
  • 2018:

    The GIL Quantum Expo!
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The People of GIL

  • Founders:

    Inderpal Isi Larsen

    Dr. Larsen was the co-founder of the Geologic Intelligence Lab, back when it was called the Quantum Transmission Laboratory. He was researching quantum networks with Dr. Abramsson at the Particle Mech Lab when they made their first big discovery. Dr. Larsen died in 2008, and is remembered and missed very much by a global community of researchers and friends.

    Eleonor Sassa Abramsson

    Dr. Abramsson was co-founder of QTL and GIL. She created groundbreaking new methods for entangling photons in cavities, and developed the system for entangled networks which we built between our lab in Los Angeles and San Jose. She remains very close in our hearts since her death last year.

  • The Research Team Now:

    • Heng Glaucia Penzik

      Dr. Penzik has been with GIL for 25 years, starting as a graduate research assistant to Larsen and Abramsson at the Particle Mech Lab in Los Angeles. He was the lead researcher in the San Jose branch of the Quantum Transmission Laboratory, and is now GIL's principle investigator. He grew up in Florida, where his mother was a caretaker to orphaned alligators.

    • Ada Rossa Marconi

      Ada Marconi was an intern at QTL, and a part of the New Mexico field research team. She has a masters in Geophysics from the College of Research and Sciences at Santa Clarita. She has been the main caretaker of Igs since their discovery in 2006. She is a senior research scientist at GIL. She is also leading a study looking into the clean biodegrading of bodies through living moss suits.

    • Bobbie Stevie Welch

      Dr. Welch has been on the GIL team for 21 years. She has a PhD in particle physics from Alfin University. When the lab closed down in 2014, much of the equipment that was not sold was mover into Dr. Welch's garage as a interim lab. She is a senior research scientist at GIL. As a child she had a fascination with the ability of octopuses to escape enclosures, and during graduate school she created enrichment toys for octopuses in captivity.

    • Devin Rowan Quirke

      Devin Quirke is a postdoctoral researcher that has been with GIL for the past 3 years in the Entangled Archive Lab. She specializes in machine receptor systems and bio-mech sensory. For fun she leads a group of knitters in San Louis Obispo on tree knitting retreats.

    • Ubon Siriporn Metharom

      Ubon Metharom is a graduate student researcher getting her masters in quantum networking from the Spin University of LA. She has been in GIL LA for 3 years. She is loves the running of the bulls and has been to Pamplona four times.

    • Heidi Jo Henderson

      Dr. Henderson has been a consultant for GIL LA for the past year, helping us to place our research within the broader context of the science of consciousness. She is a Professor of Cognition at BEEM in Bradenton, FL. She also writes children's books, including "The House that Paolo Built."

    • Nanami Miyu Himura

      Nanami Himura has been an assistant researcher at the Entangled Archive Lab for the past year. He has been focusing on frequency patterns coming from Igs, and the possible interpretation of these patterns as language. He worked for the Particle Mech Lab for 30 years, and was a colleague of Larsen and Abramsson's. He was also an olympic fencer in his youth.

    • Archivist:

      Carol Lily Ericsson

      Carol has been helping to build an outreach program for GIL for the past year. She is an artist and designer working towards her Master in Experimental Animation from CalArts. She is coordinating the GIL Quantum Expo 2018 as her masters thesis.

    • Our Past Researchers:

      Toby Mo Constable , Clara Lynne Ayers , Eef Jamie Fortuin , Murphy Dee Thurstan , Ailbhe Keelan Riley , Lacy Esmé Prescott , Pat Beverly Sharrow
    • With Help From:

      Sushila Mor Hepburn, Whitney Dallas Adamson, Munashe Moerani Ihejirika, Ubon Siriporn Metharom, Nanami Miyu Himura

    Helpful Explanations:

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